Wednesday 28 December 2016


We all know Heimdall, the brave gatekeeper who watches over the universe protecting his people and the famous rainbow bridge. In the comic's however there's a little bit more story to this character and when I read it got me to thinking. I'll give you a short version of his story so we can speculate afterwords.

Heimdall's sister is lady Sif (what? yep!). In the comics they aren't all that close since Heimdall is bound to his duty as gatekeeper and spends most of his time at his post.
The first time Heimdall was defeated was by the fire demon Surtur who destroyed the rainbow bridge. After this incident Heimdall was released of his duty and he spend a lot more time in Asgard. During this time he became close with Amora the enchantress.
Later Odin gave some of his powers to Heimdall so he could rebuild the rainbow bridge and thus his watch continued.
Times later Odin was about to start his Odinsleep and in this time he decided to give most of his powers to Heimdall so he could rule Asgard in his absence.

After handeling one crisis after an other Loki was able to take over Odin's body and banish Heimdall to the dream dimension. It was Amora who'd saved Heimdall but left him again afterwords realizing that his duty towards his people would always stand in their way.

Later after Ragnarok, all the Asgardians soles were locked into mortal bodies and when Thor had rebuild Asgard, Heimdall helped him track down the humans who had an Asgardian sole in them. This so he could return his people.

Now what I'm about to say is just a mere guess but I think Heimdall might play a bigger role in the next Thor franchise. The rainbow bridge being broken has already happened and out of the last Thor movie we could assume that Odin's body might have been taken over by Loki so who knows?

Picture of Heimdall


Wednesday 21 December 2016


Hey guy's, a lot of Marvel fuzz the last few days. Disney send out a shitload of stuff to talk about, the Spiderman Homecoming trailer, the Guardians of the galaxy vol 2 trailer and also a great deal of new photo's and info on the upcoming movies.
We wrote about it as much as we could and tried to share as much info as possible, thank you for reading it!

Now that the dust has settled we'd like to take the time to talk about SWORD. Something tells me they'll be appearing in the movies soon with al the extraterrestrial action lately.
We all know SHIELD by now. Not only was Marvel able to integrate this organization in almost every MCU film so far, they got there own series as wel! (Agents of SHIELD).

SWORD started out as a sub division of SHIELD and were specialized in extraterrestrial threats. The two worked tight for a long time until the departure of Nick Fury as director. The relations of the two organizations are known to be blurred after his leave.

The director of SWORD is special agent Abigail Brand. They primarily operate from their main hideout which is a space station called 'the peak'. Luckily this one is not known for crashing in the sea every other chapter of it's story like the helicarrier. In the series 'The Avengers: earths mightiest heroes' the main base of SWORD is 'the Damoclies' which is the captured alien space ship of Kang the conqueror.

So basically SWORD is like SHIELD, only difference is that shield deals with earth problems and sword with space ones.
With a new guardians of the galaxy and Thanos coming up we hope the introduce this as well. Erik Salvig refered to sword once in the alternate ending of Thor.

Picture of The Peak, Headquarters of S.W.O.R.D.

Sunday 18 December 2016

Marvels Agent of Shield SLINGSHOT

Hi guys,

there is a new Mini-Serie online of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: Slingshot if you haven't seen it you can watch it at the end of the post.

Marvel Slingshot

It's about Elena Rodriguez "Yo-Yo", an Inhuman with the ability to move with super speed but always bounces back to her start position.

It takes place shorty before the beginning of Season Four of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and exist of 6 episodes of about 5-6 minutes each.

Thursday 15 December 2016

Wing Suit Spidey

If you haven’t read the early Spiderman versions (I’m talking real old, the first versions of Spidey created back in 1962) you probably didn’t know that Spidey originally had the small web wings (kind of like a flying squirrel).

Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield both didn’t have these but we now know that Tom Holland will rock the wings in his new suit! He won’t actually be able to fly (no use for the web shooters that way) but he will be able to glide above New York city.
If you think about it, it’s not a bad feature to have when you’re able to swing around the city. He is already kind of falling every time he lets go of his web and with the wing-suit he can guide his fall.

As we know Spidey will be facing the Volture in his upcoming movie so it might come in handy against a airborne endemie.
We don’t really know if Spidey added the wings himself or if it’s a update that Stark provided.
I like how there is a logical explanation on how Spidey gets his fancy suit. In the older films Peter Parker makes his own suits but I never found that it made much sense since they had limited resources as a normal teenage kid and still made amazing looking suits.
Stark making the suit just looks way more logical.

Spiderman Web Wings

Sunday 11 December 2016

The Vulture

The Vulture! You guys might have seen this coming. I haven’t written about him before but since we always try to stay up to date on al the media we just had to handle this one.
If you haven’t seen the Spiderman homecoming trailer shame on you! Hurry to our Facebook page and watch it right away. Seriously!

If you have seen it, good fan! One of the most shocking reveals to me was the Vulture. I was quit sure that Shocker would be the main villain and i’d already posted about it (here). Maybe they’ll use two villains or maybe the rumours were just nonsens. It doesn’t really matter since now you’ll get to read about a second classic Spiderman villain.

Adrian Toomes was a former electronics engineer. He designed a suit which allowed him to fly and gave him superhuman strength. He’s a remorseless killer and quit old. It’s clear since he tries to regain youth many times in the comic series. At one point he even steals Peter’s youth leaving Peter Parker old but that (of course) did not last very long.

He teamed up a lot of times with other villains in order to kill the webslinger. He’s been part of almost every version of the sinister six.

When we look at the suit that will be used in the movie we can see it wil be way more mechanical than the comic versions which kind of makes sense since you else have to explain how a man is able to fly with a simple suit made of feathers and fur.
Still they did keep the typical green colour which is nice. All things aside the trailer looks great and i really just can’t wait for this to happen!

the vulture

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Howard the duck

Some of you might have heard of him, Howard the duck! A talking duck born and raised in New Stork city at Duckworld, a world a lot like ours but here the dominant species are ducks and humans do not exist. What most of you probably didn't know is that Howard is a Marvel character.

Howard always was a true disappointment. His parents Dave and Dotti weren't very proud of him. He always made a mess of things and could not keep a job. Nobody at duckworld actually really liked him. One day he runs into a power hungry demon called Thog. Thog was messing with magic in the hope to rule all of reality but instead he teleports Howard to earth.
At first Howard thinks he's still on his own planet since earth and duckworld are much alike but when he sees the whole planet is ruled by hairless monkeys he realizes what happened.

Howard wasn't alone, Thog had teleported other strange beings to earth and they teamed up to defeat the demon. Howard fought along side Korrek the barbarian, Jennifer Cale, Dakimh the enchanter and the man- thing. They did win the fight but howard got teleported again to Cleveland, Ohio.
Here Howard starts building a life and tries to keep a job. He encounters some other heroes like Spiderman and she hulk.
He also fights a lot of strange foe's named Ducktor Doom, Spider Ham, Captain Americana and Grey Panther.

I think Marvel wanted to make some kind of funny spinoff series away from all the superhero seriousness and this is how they came up with Howard the Duck. At the post credits scene in guardians of the galaxy you can see him in the colectors hall of collections and he had his own movie
back in 1986.

Howard the Duck

Sunday 4 December 2016

Brazil Comic-Con CCXP 2016

Hi guys,

This years Brazil Comic-Con (1-4/12/2016) had some treats for us Marvel fans!

Brazil Comic-Con 2016

If you haven't seen it already director James Gunn revealed a teaser for the new Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Marvel in the real world

The Marvel universe has countless famous buildings. Stark tower, the avengers mansion, the baxter building, ... just a few of the many we all know. What if a fan were to look up the places where these buildings are supposed to stand. What if those buildings were actually based on the buildings standing in the real world.
One fan (Flickr - ChildOfAtom) asked himself these questions and went out to take a look. Some of the buildings he found kinda looked like the comic versions but I think we can all agree they're way more impressing in the comic books.   

First off we got the Baxter building. The famous hideout of the fantastic four. Personally I think this one is oké, it isn't really the same but it isn't that diffirent.

Sunday 27 November 2016


We've been talking a lot about the infinity stones lately. It's normal since the stones play a big role in the upcoming MCU films. Everything seems to build up Thanos who's after them for his infinity Gauntlet (read our previous post about the Gauntlet here ).

A question that might have crossed your mind is 'where did they come from?'. Well they actually used to be a living being. Nemesis was the sole being in all existence. She led a lonely life and when she couldn't take the loneliness any longer she shattered herself forming the multiverse and the infinity stones.

There used to be six gem's instead of five. The Ego gem was the one that claimed that it was the original being and was now ready to reclaim itself. Nemesis rose again when Adam Warlock brought the stones together and it took a whole lot of power to defeat her. The avengers alongside several other avengers teams from different reality's fought her and finally defeated her breaking the ego gem.

Who knows, maybe we'll get a little info about her in the next avengers franchise


Wednesday 23 November 2016


Hey everyone, today we'll be talking about Warlock. The reason for this is that Warlock's cocoon is speculated to be in the next Thor franchise. Whether or not it's true it's always fun to learn about someone new. 

Warlock was created by called 'the beehive'. They tried to make the perfect human being and Warlock is the result of their experiment. The beehive called Warlock 'him' at first. When 'him' emerged he soon sensed that the beehive would use him for evil purposes so he escaped killing a bunch of them on his way out. 
Warlock was set free in the world with no knowing of human ways or life experience non the less. He lived on nothing but instinct. Now you can only imagine what a instinctive young man would do as he encounters lady Sif… That's right, after seeing the queen of combat he tries to kidnap her in order to mate with her. 
Thor doesn't like this, not one bit so he beats Warlock until he's nearly dead. Warlock retreated to a regenerative cocoon and reborns. 

After this rebirth he get's the name Warlock from the high evolutionary who guided him and gave him purpose. One big deal is the fact that the high evolutionary gives him the soul gem which is the last missing infinity stone in the MCU universe. This means that all the stones would be on the map if they really use Warlock off course. 

Later in his story he journeys to the planet called counter earth which is kind of a parallel version of the planet earth. here he faces his greatest enemies 'the man-beast' and becomes one of the greatest heroes on counter earth.

adam warlock

Monday 21 November 2016


Hey guys! The new Deadpool movie has been out for a while now and I think that every real  Deadpool fan will confirm it was everything we'd hoped for. If you watched until after the credits (duh) you've seen how Deadpool teases about Cable in the next movie. Lucky for you guy's I've read all the Deadpool & Cable comics so today we'll give a little info about who Cable is.

You should know Cable is a very complex character so I won't get in to every detail about his Marvel history, what I will get into is his role next to Deadpool and his powers.
Cable's real name is Nathan Summers, that's right! Summers! Cable is actually the son of Cyclops. How's that even possible? He looks way older than Cyclops! I'm glad you asked. In the comics Cable is also known as the soldier of the future. Basically Cyclops did some shady shit to conceive Cable using a clone of Jean Grey (ew!). When Cable showed much potential a lot of people held there eye on him, one of those 'people' was Apocalyps. Afraid of losing his son and out of options Scott agreed to send the boy 2.000 years into the future.

In the series 'Deadpool and Cable' Nathan is back in the present. He has a lot of powers (In my honest opinion this character is completely overpowered and could rule the whole earth.). In this story he's able to Teleport, use Telepathy, has Telekinese, Is able to travel trough time and space. Deadpool on the other hand has nothing but his healing factor. Still they weigh up against each other since Cable has a soft spot for Deadpool and throughout the story they are friends at some points and foe's at others.

Cable wants to create a 'Land' (which he makes himself using his Telekinese powers). A land free of violence, war, racisme. Basically he wants to play God. He uses his powers to surveillance everything that happens in his land and naturally it all backfires.

Weather or not this is the storyline they wil use (which is a heavy one if you ask me.) we'll have to see in the second Deadpool franchise! At least now you know a little bit more about Cable!

cable & deadpool

Wednesday 16 November 2016


It's been a while since we've last talked about someone in the 'Spidey' theme. Today I've decided to take a look at one of my favorite Spiderman villains 'Venom'.

When we refer to Venom we could be talking about two different things. Some say Venom is the boy called Eddie Brock, who was the second victim of the symbiote virus after Peter Parker himself. Others claim that Venom is what the symbiote virus calls itself.

To be clear the symbiote virus is alien and feeds from it's host adrenaline. It grants the host spider-like powers but the more it feeds the more influence it gets on the host until the host has no saying anymore. The virus can split up and take over different hosts at a time. Some notable hosts in Marvel history are Flash Thompson, Peter's friend and later army Corporal. He actually uses the Virus for the good as an agent. Also career criminal Mac Gargan who uses it's powers to join the dark avengers.


Sunday 13 November 2016

Ms. Marvel

You might have heard of here, you might not but she's a big character in the MCU and certainly one you should know a little something about. Today we're giving a little origins info about Ms. Marvel.

Carol Danvers always had a love for flying. When she graduated high school she gave herself up to be trained at the air force academy. People soon noticed that she had a neck for this kind of stuff and she roze in the ranks becoming a major. Since she was so good she soon got a job with the CIA where she worked with colonel Nick Fury.

In a Canadian mission she had to partner up with a agent Logan and the two shared many adventures. During their time together they became very close, maybe even lovers.
After some escapades with the CIA Carol decided to leave and joined NASA instead. It was there that her whole life changed. She met the Kree warrior called Mar-vell. During her investigation they created a unique bond and later on they as wel became lovers. Mar-vell had a lot of enemies maybe the biggest one was colonel Yon-Rogg. The evil colonel kidnapped Carol and used her as bait for Mar-vell and when he came for her during his rescue mission she got hit by a energie blow which fused Mar-vell his powers with her.

Miss Marvel was born and boy she was strong. Flight, enhanced strength, durability and the power to shoot lazer blasts from her hands. No joke! She has been a part of the X-Men (even though she isn't a mutant.) and the Avengers.

Ms. Marvel

Captain Marvel teaser trailer comic con leaked footage: Marvel's Hall H Panel 2016

Brie Larson will be playing Captain Marvel

Brie Larson Captain Marvel

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Gorr the god butcher

Hey guys! today we're going to talk about a villain i read recently about. Marvel is bringing out a lot of new comicbook series and it's hard to keep track so i decided to follow a story line of Thor, The New Avengers, Ironman and Wolverine. Gorr the god butcher is a villain from the Thor series and I think he's a real badass.

Born on a planet with no name Gorr was surrounded by death. When he was just a boy his parents died and he soon had to fight against starvation day after day. His parents thought him to pray to the gods, that they would make everything ok. No matter how hard he prayed he got no answer. Later on he found himself a wife and got a son but the magic didn't last very long since his wife died in a earthquake and his son starved in his arms.

Gorr blamed the god's and all beings calling them self a god or goddess would pay. He gained powers called the All-Black Necrosword and so he began slaying. The god of fear, war, genocide, plague, chaos, earthquakes, blood, wrath, jealousy, degradation and even death. They all met his sword and died at his hand.
There was one god who escaped him. No one else than our hero Thor. While Gorr was torturing him in the Viking ages the humans came for his rescue and Thor was able to cut off Gorr's arm before escaping.
The result wasn't really what Thor hoped for since Gorr's wrath grew and he slayed even more god's and became even more powerful. After slaying all the god's he could find Gorr began to mess with diffirent time streams and eventually it comes to a face off between past Thor (who could not even wield mjollnir yet), present Thor (who we all know) and Thor for the future (much like Odin) against Gorr.

The story isn't hard to find since it's all new and if you're looking for something good I strongly recommend it!

Gorr the god butcher

Sunday 6 November 2016

The Serpent Society

If you watched the Luke Cage series you might have noticed that the bad guy's (Cottonmouth and Diamondback) were al named after snakes. This isn't a coincidence since the most stable criminal organisation in the Marvel Universe is called 'The Serpent Society'.

I must admit that I've seen a few appearances of the serpents and my impression of them was a bunch of idiots dressed as snakes but after Luke Cage I looked into them and there seems to be more about them than meets the eye. 
The one who started the whole group was Sidewinder, who had tried creating a organisation a few times with 'The Serpent Squad' before succeeding. The first members were Anaconda, Black Mamba and Death Ader. Sidewinder convinced them to contact other known mob's and gangsters and soon the group grew. Asp, Bushmaster, Cottonmouth, Diamondback, Cobra and Princess Python joined the club. 
When the whole bunch came together Sidewinder explained his idea. A society of mob's and gangsters working together as one. Each would lay out there resources and they would all benefit from each others technologie, weapons, money, insurance and health benefits. They would also be for hire to criminals who could afford them.

There first gig was killing the original M.O.D.O.K. for an ex member of AIM. When they succeeded they really got on the map as hired criminals of the first caliber. 
Later Princess Python deserted the group and Death Ader got killed. Viper once tried to take over the group but Diamond back got help from Captain America himself to save the society.

As you can read there's more about the group than meets the eye. Killing M.O.D.O.K. or getting help from the Captain himself aren't things achieved by a group of idiots. Even tough they're painted of as idiots sometimes. 

The Serpent Society

Thursday 3 November 2016

Review Doctor Strange

Hey guys, today we'll we reviewing the Doctor Strange so for those who didn't have a chance of seeing it SPOILER ALERT. For those who did see it, everything below is a personal opinion of how I experienced the movie. It is perfectly possible and oke if you don't agree with what I think.

Overall I have to say 'wauw'. They pulled it off again didn't they? The MCU had quit some challenges when it comes to Marvel stories, I can imagine it can't be easy to sell a talking raccoon but they did it and with Doctor Strange his complex story line they did it again.
Stephen Strange is a serious and big character in the comic books so they had to make sure the movie wasn't a flop and they did a good job. A lot of stuff in the comics is quit hard to follow, the different universes, the time controlling etc. Yet they were able to bring it on screen naturally and I think it wasn't that hard to follow.    

I liked the reference to the infinity stones. They revealed the time stone in the eye of Agamotto which is a little wink to those who are paying attention to the overall story line in the MCU films.
The fact that the ancient one dies at the end is something I didn't expect. I question if it was the right move since it's a big character to kill. It's perfectly possible to keep a powerful character alive without messing up the main character's story, watch what they did with Odin in the Thor franchise.

At last I wanted to point out that I really like that Mordo played a friend in this movie, the comic readers know that he will turn out to become Strange's arch enemy but they didn't rush it. At the end you kind off notice that he's not a big fan of the Ancient One no more but it's subtle which I think is a nice play.

Monday 31 October 2016

Ronan the accuser

As  promised I'll be telling you guys a little more about Ronan today. You've all seen him in the first Guardians of the galaxy movie where he plays the main villain. Personally I think the Guardians were able to defeat him quit easily considering his powerful weapon. Than again it can't be easy putting all these huge Marvel stories in movies that last two hours tops so keeping that in mind his character was visualized quit decently. Here's how it all started for Ronan.

Ronan is a Kree and a very traditional one. When he was young he always had his eyes on joining the public accusers corps which is the Kree law enforcement. When he completed his studies he made his dream reality and soon rose in the ranks.
When he made a huge bust revealing Skrull soldiers who tried to travel trough Kree space he got promoted to supreme accuser. This status is the highest one among the accusers and he only had to answer to the supreme intelligence.

The characters made a lot of appearances in the fantastic four, captain Marvel, the inhumans and he plays a big part in the 'Kree - Skrull war' series. He is most known for his weapon which is a massive hamer. All accusers wield one but at some point Ronan's hamer gets empowered even more by one of the infinity stones! (This also happens in the movie).

He's a interesting character at the least and a worthy first enemy for the guardians.

Ronan the accuser

Wednesday 26 October 2016


Hey guys! Today we'll be talking about X-23. Some of you might have heard but the wrap has reported some pretty sweet facts about the new Wolverine movie called 'Logan'. A few of them we already knew like the fact that the movie will be played in the future and some stuff we could already assume seeing the trailer.
The thing which drew my attention most however was that they confirmed that the little girl traveling with Logan in the trailer will have claws like him but only two on each hand. There were a lot of rumors about X-23 being in the movie so I guess this kind off confirms it? No way of telling for sure but we'll tell you about X-23 in this post so you at least know who she is.

A top-secret program tried to recreate the original Weapon-X experiment. A lot of mutants were brought in and died because of this program. There was no mutant strong enough to endure the procedure. After a while when te scientist working on this project were on the verge of giving up when a young scientist called Sarah Kinney came up with the idea of making a clone.
They pulled all the strings they had to scramble all the DNA they had left of the original Weapon-X but it wasn't enough to make a new wolverine. The DNA was damaged and it had only x-chromosomes which meant they were not able to clone a man.
Sarah went on and made a female clone against orders, as a punishment she had to play surrogate mother to the child.

X-23 was raised and trained as a weapon. Knowing nothing but captivity there wasn't much humanity left in her. They created a special scent on which X-23 would go in animal mode and kill whatever was in front of her.
The highest bidder could pay her for a mission, where she killed numerous people. After a while her surrogate mother commanded her to kill the people leading the project so they could escape the facility but when X-23 was out obeying her mothers command one of the scientist exposed her mother to the scent. When X-23 returned she killed her mother. Right before she died she named X-23 Laura.

Again, we don't know for sure if they're going to use X-23 but you have to admit it kind off looks like it! I for one can't wait to see Logan.


Sunday 23 October 2016

The super-Skrull

Hi, guys! today we'll be talking about a villain whom we think is definitely worth looking in to. The super-Skrull made a lot of great appearances. If you don't know what skrull are first read this previous post!
In one of the attempts of the Skrull to invade planet earth, it were the fantastic four who stopped them. The Skrull fell back infuriated by their defeat and there leader Dorrek was determined to defeat the team of heroes.

After lot's of discussions with the best and brightest among the Skrull, Dorrek pulled all his resources to creat a sublime warrior. One of his best soldiers got chosen to experiment on and he would finally be known as the super-Skrull.
This being had all the powers of the Fantastic four for his own and could wield them all at once. His weakness was that he was empowered by a interstellar beam. The first time he meets the Fantastic Four he humiliates them. The team didn't know what they were up against and were no match.
It didn't take long for Doctor Fantastic to figure out what empowered this creature and soon he invented a machine to block the beam and they were able to defeat the super-Skrull. 

The Skrull didn't give up easily so they created a stronger beam empowering their soldier again. The super-Skrull fell and roze many times. He stood against many foe's (Thor, The fantastic four, The avengers, Captain Marvel,...). He also did a lot of notable team up's with Thanos and Ronan the accuser (Ronan will be a subject we'll write about soon). 

Soon the value of the super-Skrull became noted by a lot of parties. He fought for a lot of armies sometimes against his own will but he played a big role in a lot of great story lines. Definitely a character worth knowing. 


Wednesday 19 October 2016


Guy's today marvel released a first sneak peek of 'guardians of the galaxy vol 2'. If you haven't seen it yet, hurry to our Facebook page (click here). Since most of us got surprised by this sudden release we've decided to make today's post about one of the new guardians.
That's right, there are two confirmed new guardians in this movie. Both of them had a side role in the previous movie but are ready to step up, we're talking about Yondu and Nebula. Nebula will be our subject a differente time, today will be all about Yondu!

Born on Zataon young Yondu grew up to be a hunter. The tribes who lived there were primal compared to earths further evolved humans. When earth started colonizing planet's outside their own, the solar system Zataon was one of the first planets on the radar. Most of the inhabitants were intimidated by earths supreme technology, they didn't pick a fight and had peaceful relationships with the settlers. Yondu's tribe however, sought sanctuary in the forests so they didn't need to contact the earthlings.

One day the planet was under attack by the Badoon. During the chaos Yondu came across an earthling and the two banded together in the hopes of escaping the planet. It didn't work out the way they planned since the Badoon captured them and held them prisoners.
Later Yondu and his human friend Astor escaped together with Charlie-27 and Martinex and the four of them founded the very first Guardians of the galaxy!

This is the origin story of Yondu in the comics, and it is only one version of him. In other universes he might really band up with Starlord. I wanted to share this one today so you guys could learn that Yondu was much more than a bounty hunter in one of the universes.  

Sunday 16 October 2016


Many of you will have watched Luke Cage already, some might still have to check it out. In our previous post we talked about Luke from a comic book perspective (you can read it here). If you've read it you'll notice we also talked about his arch nemesis Diamond Back.
In the series it's also his greatest foe but his first real foe is Cotton Mouth, we thought you'd like to learn a little more about this gangster crimelord.

Cottonmouth was a drug lord behind what he claimed to be the most successful drug cartel in the whole country. His right hand mand Slick was always by his side. Luke Cage was offered a job in the mob hierarchy by Cottonmouth (notice that this also happens in the beginning of the series). Luke pretends to take the job, to gain proof about the setup that had put him in jail years ago (as you can read in our previous Luke Cage post).
Slick doesn't trust Luke one bit and claims he has to prove himself so Cottonmouth sends him out to retrieve drugs that was stolen from him. Luke does the job but informs to the police. Cottonmouth finds out and isn't very happy about it. A fight between the two breaks out and during the fight Luke throws Slick trough the window. Slick didn't survive the fall and when Luke tries to force Cottonmouth to talk he finds out that the only one who had info on the setup was Slick he had now killed.

Angry and desperate Luke gives Cottonmouth to the police who gave him a one way ticket to jail and Luke continued his search for proof about his past.

Thursday 13 October 2016

cloak and dagger

For today we have more news about the marvel series. At the NY comic con people got a real surprise when they went to the Iron Fist panel. Not only were all the 'defenders' actors there united for the first time, the producer of the series Jeph Loeb gave away who will play the villain against the Defenders in their first season. 

The chosen actress is Sigourney Weaver. If you don't know her, she's the lady from all the alien movies. Which villain she will play is yet unknown. 

Also there is rumored that there will also come a Cloak and Dagger series, you might not know them but they're a pretty cool duo! here's some extra info about their origins. 

Sunday 9 October 2016

Misty Knight

Misty Knight is a name you might have heard around lately. She's one of the leading characters in the new Netflix series 'Luke  Cage'. What you probably didn't know is that she has a history in the Marvel comicbooks as wel. Today's post we'll shine a light on her history in the comic's so you know what you might see in the future development of the character in the series. Weather or not Marvel will do something with the backstory of Misty is still a mysterie.

Mercedes Knight was born and raised in New York city. When she got older she decided she wanted to be a police officer and she soon followed her dreams and rose the ranks becoming a lieutenant. In a unfortunate accident where she tried to get rid of a bomb she lost her arm. In that time she had already made a name for herself and many heroes already knew her. Tony Stark was one of those heroes and he felt sorry for the woman so he made her a bionic arm. The arm was stronger than any other arm but she wasn't able to lift too heavy stuff since the rest of her body still needed to support the machine.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

The Mandarin

Today we'll be writing about the Mandarin. Most of you will know him from the Iron Man 3 franchise and even tough the movie wasn't all that bad they did ruin a great character. If you've watched the movie you've seen that their version of the Mandarin was nothing more than a crook. A homeless man called Travor Slattery picked from the street and used as a distraction while the real evil was happening behind the scenes.

Nothing is further away from the truth behind this character! In the comic books the Mandarin is a real villain and even an arch nemesis of Tony Stark. Read further to find out what the Mandarin is really about! 

Sunday 2 October 2016


We've already talked about the infinity gauntlet a few posts back (if you missed that post click here). Today we'd like to shine a light on the one who uses this insane weapon, where did he come from? Why does he seek to rule the galaxy? That's right today we'll be talking about Thanos!

Thanos was one of the last son's of A'Lars. He was one of the Eternals on the planet Titan but he was not like the others of his kind. Due to his Deviant syndrome he had a massive body and as a child he soon became obsessed with the concept of death.

Wednesday 28 September 2016


A recent leaked picture from the set of Spiderman Homecoming shows us who might be the villain in the new Spiderman franchise! As you can see on the picture below we can be pretty sure the next villain wil be Shocker!

Of course we'll be telling you a little something about this villain so you can speculate about what the movie wil look like.

Sunday 25 September 2016

breaking the 4th wall

Today we'll be talking about a concept which is called 'breaking the fourth wall'. People who read a lot of Deadpool might already know what this means, I think it's really funny if you want to do some light reading.

When we read a comic we view a page. We'll always see three walls, for instance when Deadpool is in a room facing us we'll see the wall behind him and the two walls on his side. The forth wall normally is imaginary since we wouldn't be able to see the character if there would be a actual wall.
Some Marvel characters however are able to 'break the fourth wall'. Which is a concept that was first experimented with in theater when the actors in a play would talk to the public.
Deadpool sometimes faces you (the reader) and starts talking to you. You can see a example below! In some comic's he's even aware that he is a comicbook character!

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Marvel 1602

Today i'll be writing about a specific series of comic's. Marvel 1602 is a really unique story containing all marvel heroes but in a different time stream and reality. I can only encourage you guys to read it but first let me tell you a thing or two about how we came in this time stream.

The origins of the story actually started in an alternate future reality designated earth 460. In this story Purple man, a villain able to make everybody do as he says had become the president of the united states. Many heroes were hunted down or already dead. The only one left standing, fighting for democracy was -you guessed it- Captain America.
Even the great Captain wasn't able to stay out of the hands of purple man so when he got captured the purple man figured out a way to send Cap to the past in a different dimension. This way the Captain could not stand between him and his plans to rule the world any longer.

Sunday 18 September 2016


Many do not know this, mainly because the films of blade were made way before the Marvel universe became such a big hit but Blad is a Marvel character!
In the movies we see him as a full fledged vampire killing machine but they never really explain his origin story. Today's post will be about how blade became the vampire hunter we all know.

Blade's mother was a prostitute who became pregnant. Having trouble during labor she was forced to search a doctor's assistance but bad luck was upon this woman since the doctor who she trusted was an imposter vampire called Deacon Frost.
When she was giving birth Frost feasted on her flesh passing on a series of enzymes that altered her baby. Since he wasn't really bitten by the vampire he became a Dhampir which gave him some of the pro's on being a vampire but non of the con's. Frost was chased away before he could kill the baby.
As you can read Eric Brooks (Blade's real name) was born in a dark and bloody world.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

World War Hulk

World War Hulk is a huge subject to write about. I won't bore you guy's with a huge post containing every little detail about the comic event but I will talk about the subject because every real Marvel fan should know about this series of comic books!

Basically the series is about Hulk facing of against almost every other Marvel hero ever written about. But how does this even start? What makes the Hulk so mad that he has the power to overthrow even professor X and the Hulk Buster?
It all starts when Hulk is banished from the planet earth by the illuminatie. He lands on a planet called 'Sakaar' where he was first enslaved as a gladiator but soon he rebelled against the masters of the planet who chained him and made a few friends who helped him. They overthrew the masters and took control and soon Hulk became king of the planet. Later he married and truly found sanctuary as his people really loved him.

Sunday 11 September 2016

The Infinity Gauntlet

The infinity gauntlet! A very big deal if you're following the MCU films! We've all heard about the infinity stones in the past films, they all seem to come up and contain a huge amount of power but what if these notorious stones get combined in one bad ass glove? We'll see soon enough in the upcoming Avenger films but you can read about them right now in today's post!

As said the infinity gem's each hold a huge amount of energie. Each of them are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. Only a mad man would think of putting them all together! Or should i say, a mad Titan. Thanos was the one who took the collected the stones by taking them from the Elders of the universe who carried them. At least, that's how it goes in the comic books. In the MCU film's we got them spread all over! One in the vaults of Nova Prime (The one Starlord took from Ronan), One on Asgard (the Tesserect), One on vision's forehead,... They're playing the scene a little different but the heat is bound to turn on!

underneath you can read what the gem's specifically can do:

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Fictional Metals

Today we'll take a look at the fictional metals whom appear throughout the different marvel universes. There might be a ton more but we'll be writing about the legendary ones whom are extremely rare.


This natural ore is able to manipulate energie. it is assumed to be a alien and was found after a meteor crashing on earth in the city of Wakanda. The people of Wakanda weaponized it and the metal is most known for Captain Amerika's shield and Black Panther's suit.


Monday 5 September 2016

Beta Ray Bill

Beta Ray Bill is a character most seen in the Thor stories. There hasn't been a live action movie appearance of him so far but we think he's a very interesting open subject and knowing MCU's taste for epic battles he might come up in the future.

Beta Ray Bill's story starts when he gets chosen as champion of his people the Korbinite. Their home galaxy got destroyed and it was Beta Ray Bill's duty to find a new home for his people.
One day he and his ship 'the Skuttlebutt' got on SHIELD radars. Thor got send out by SHIELD to investigate the situation.

Thor saw Beta Ray Bill was the only living creature on the ship and Beta Ray Bill was really defensive so when they saw each other they started to fight. A moment appeared in the fight where Thor lost Mjolnir and this is where the epic part starts. Beta Ray Bill tries to pick up the hammer and it works! Mjolnir finds him worthy and Beta Ray Bill gets the power of Thor, God of Thunder.

Wednesday 31 August 2016


First off. If you don't want any spoilers about the Doctor Strange movie at all, stop reading because this post might be a potential spoiler. For everybody who likes to be ahead off people, read on!    

Okay guys, this week we'll be telling you about Dormammu. This is a well known foe of Doctor Strange. The reason I chose him as a subject is because some leaked info about the MCU adaption of Doctor strange claiming that the doctor might confront Dormammu in the movie. This is kind off a big deal since we only knew about Baron Mordo being a villain in the movie so far.
If you want to read the specifics about the leaked info you can click here.

We won't be telling the whole course Dormammu took trough Marvel History since he's a big villain and appears quit a lot but We'll tell you all about his origins and how he got involved with Strange.


Sunday 28 August 2016

The Sinister Six

The sinsister six is maybe one of my most favorite team up. Villains don’t get to team up as much as heroes. The main reason for this is simple. The bad guys don’t usually get along with each other since they’re mostly arrogant and solo fighters. 

The founder of the sinister six is doctor octopus who gathers Sandman, Kraven the hunter, Elektro, Mysterio and Volture. He promised his companions he has a excellent plan to catch the spider but can’t deliver since his plan was just to kidnap Betty Brant. By accident they also had to kidnap Aunt May which only made Spiderman furious and lead to the first defeat of the six.

Wednesday 24 August 2016


Today's post will be about Hellcat. At first you might think 'doesn't ring a bell' but you might just recognize her name 'Patricia Walker'. Patricia is one of the main characters in the populair Jessica Jones series on Netflix! So far she hasn't become Hellcat in the series but she might in the future. Maybe Netflix used the name as a card they could play later in the series, we can only guess! What we can tell you, is what we know from the comic books about Hellcat.

The comic's start off a lot like how Patricia starts off in the Jessica Jones series. She has an abusive mother who wants Patricia to grow up being a supermodel. Her mother's greatest succes was a comic book which she made about 'Patsy Walker'. The comics were based on Patricia's life and friends. Patricia's mother gave her the creeps since she became obsessed with her private life. After more than a decade the Patsy Walker franchise came to a end.
Later Patricia married a childhood friend 'Robert Baxter' who was an officer in the air force. She moved around a lot for his job.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Rocket and Groot!

This post we’ll be talking about the duo Rocket Raccoon and Groot!

Let’s start off with Groot. We all know the adorable and kind tree-like giant from guardians of the galaxy but where did he come from? His home planet is planet X and the official name of his race is the Flora Colossus. On his planet they were the superieur race and every one of them was to be served by a maintenance mammal.
Other Flora colossus threaded these mammal’s as filth but Groot had a kind heart, he preferred the mammal’s over his own kind and one day when an other Flora colossus attacked his mammal Groot killed his congener in defense of the mammal. After this Groot got banished from his planet and starts to travel throughout the universe.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Edwin Jarvis

Today’s post will be about Jarvis. Most of you will know him as the voice of Iron Man’s house and suit. In the movies he is brought forth as an artificial intelligence. If you’ve read the comics or watched the "agent Carter" series however you’ll he’s a real life butler! 

Edwin Jarvis is a main support character in Iron Man, the Avengers and Spiderman storylines He always plays the part of loyal butler to the Stark family. He was around in Howard’s time but still serves young master Tony in the present. 
You’d think he’s just an old man in the background of the story but that’s not true! Jarvis was a trained soldier in the US Air Force and had a military combat training in his younger years by no one else but Captain America. He also once won a American boxing championship. 
In the present day he’s old but in good shape, he does however struggle with injuries form the past in fights against Mr Hyde, and other villains who threaten the Stark Household.

Monday 15 August 2016

The Iron Fist

As promised we'll be posting about the Iron Fist today. Not only is he yet again a fascinating character but he will also get his own Netflix series. You might have heard about this but after they've made his adaption there also will be a team up with Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Daredevil which will be the first known super hero team up in a Marvel TV series. 

Daniel Rand is the son of Wendell Rand. His dad had an interest in the city K'un-Lun, which is an ancient city in the Himalayas that is founded by an alien race. The city was ruled by aliens called the Dragon Kings and they were subjects to their supreme ruler, the godlike Master Khan. Daniels father once saved one of the rulers of the city called Lord Tuan. The master was so thankful that he adopted Wendell and made him heir to the throne. The true son of Lord Tuan called Yu-Ti wasn't happy about this. Rand married his first wife Shakari and had a daughter called Miranda. Later on he was attacked by the jealous son Yu-Ti and his wife was killed. Filled with grief Wendell returned to civilization and lived a normal life where he later married Heather Ducan and fathered Daniel. Meanwhile in K'un-Lun Lord Tuan died and his son Yu-Ti became ruler.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Luke Cage

As you may have seen we posted the official trailer of the Netflix series about Luke Cage on Facebook. I can't stress enough how good the Netflix adaptions are up until now, so be sure to watch them! Luke Cage has no history on the big screen and you can only see him a few times in the Jessica Jones series so here's a little side info about the guy.

Carl Lucas was born in Harlem. He was a troubled kid and ended up in the 'blood' street gang at early age. He helped the gang and his best buddy Willis Stryker in their fight against the 'diablo' gang and lived a pretty sinful life. Lucas went in and out of Juvenile homes until one day he realizes how much he's actually hurting his family with his lifestyle. He grows up and tries to have better life while his old friend Stryker rises in the ranks of crime lords.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Starlord's daddy issues

Today we'll be writing about Starlord's dad. The whole first guardians of the galaxy movie they kind of keep his identity a secret. All we really know is that Starlord himself isn't fully human and the description his mom makes in the beginning of the movie is also kind of vague ('he was an angel made out of light').

In the animated series Peter Quill's father is J'son (Jason of Spartax). Back when there was a war between the Spartoi and the Ariguans J'son was forced to crash land on earth where he met Meredith Quill. He fell in love with her and they had a short relationship but because of the war he had to leave her soon. Trying to spare her the pain of his departure he erases her memory not knowing she is with child.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider, an interesting figure! Today we'll be talking about this hero, not only because he's interesting but we'll be seeing a lot more of him if we look at the teaser that Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has released (see below). This is a big thing, we've seen a few spin-off series on netflix but ABC studios has only published agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and agent Carter so far. This could be the first real super hero spin-off series produced by ABC. 

Sunday 31 July 2016

New Marvel Studios Introduction Logo

Today is going to be a short post.

Didn't got a lot of time to post, but still for the people who haven't seen it yet, I'd like to introduce you to the new official introduction movie of Marvel Studios

What do you think about it?

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Old Man Logan

Marvel has introduced a ton of new comic stories. A lot new and original concepts are bound to come along. They've put a 'All New Avengers' issues on the calendar also a second civil war, which is a big deal and something i'm personally very excited about. There will also come a sequel to the 'old man logan' series.

I've read the first volume (8 issues) of this story and I think it's a real 'must read' if you're looking for something different from the classic stories. Everybody who has already read the first volume will agree it isn't a soft or happy story line. It takes place in a dark world where heroes are almost extinct and the world leaders are all known villains.

Sunday 24 July 2016


In this post we'll be giving you a little inside info about Storm also known as Ororo Monroe.
Every few post we'll be speaking about a specific character. You might think you know most marvel characters judging by the movies and some comicbook appearances, but a lot of heroes have a really cool and interesting origin story.

Ororo is actually a descendant from a very wealthy and ancient line of African priestesses. Her mom was a princess and her dad was a American photojournalist. When they lived in Egypt a plane crashed on their house in a Arab-Israeli conflict. Both her parents died but the little girl survived. This incident is the reason why Storm is claustrophobia.

Wednesday 20 July 2016


Today I'll be giving a little background on Nightcrawler. This mutant has appeared twice in Marvel movies (X-men 2 and X-men Apocalypse). Both adaptions painted a good physical picture about the character. He's hard not to notice with his blue skin and devil's tail but his family history was never brought up in the movies.

Nightcrawler was raised by Margali Szardos. Margali was gypsy sorceress traveling with a circus. She always claimed that she found Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) in a ditch next to his dead father but this was just a lie to keep the boy safe. The truth is that Nightcrawlers real mom is Mystique also known as Raven Darkholme and his father is the notorious warlord called Azazel.

When Mystique had Nightcrawler she heard that a mob found out about the kid. Afraid for her own and the kid's fait and not being able to take responsibility for her child she throws him in a well. Azazel being the father was not able to let go of the child zo he saved the boy from his fall in secret and gave the baby to his mistress Margali.

Nightcrawler is blue like his mother but has a tail and the mutant powers of his dad. His powers are teleportation, superhuman agility and reflexes, night vision and being able to blend into shadows. His skin color and tail were things he had since birth but his abilities only emerged when he was a teenager.

Sunday 17 July 2016

The Inhumans

When the Kree race first discovered life on planet earth they found nothing more than primitive homo sapiens. Humans were then harmless creatures but the Kree saw potential in them. They started to experiment and this is how eventually the inhuman race was created. After a while the Kree abandoned their experiments for reasons that are yet unknown.

The alien DNA lived on and the inhumans created a society of their own. They all had incredible powers and lived in seclusion from the other humans. In time they developed supreme technology way ahead of what the normal humans had discovered so far.

The secret society didn't last very long since the inhumans interacted with several earth super heroes. The Fantastic Four, The Avengers and The X-Men got all had help from the Inhumans throughout the years.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

the Kree-Skrull war

The war between the Kree and Skrull is a story written by Roy Thomas. The war is a notable story because of it's enormous cast of characters and use of metaphor. It's also the introduction of the Vision and Scarlett Witch romance, which became an ongoing theme for the characters. A lot of critics consider this chapter a highlight of it's comic era and if you haven't read about it yet it's most certainly recommend it!

In this story the avengers, Captain Marvel and Rick Jones (a character on which we will come back in a other post soon!) find themselves in the middle of an intergalactic war between the Kree and the Skrulls. Earth is positioned halfway between the home galaxy's of the Kree and the Skrull. Both seek to destroy or conquer it, in order to gain tactical advantage in their war.

Sunday 10 July 2016

The Skrulls

As promised we'll be writing about the Skrulls after our last post about the Kree. These two races wage a huge war against each other in the Marvel universe and these posts are a preparation in explaining the war. 

The Skrulls are a ancient race that created a vast empire throughout the galaxy. They started out on the planet Skrullos and in their early evolutionary development a more advanced race 'the Celestials' took a few of the skrull for experimentation. Some of the subjects died, others gained mutations. The mutation was one of camouflage. They were able to take the physical appearance of other life forms as they choose. The Skrull who were able to do this called themselves 'the deviant Skrullos'. They ruled over the other skrulls and soon eradicated the other less gifted of their kind. 

Wednesday 6 July 2016

The Kree

Our next message will be about a alien race called 'the kree'. Later this week we'll also be talking about the skrull and finally the great war in between both races. This is important information for any marvel fan because a lot of tales come forth out of this war. The inhumans, Ronan the accuser, agents of SWORD, ... all examples of important Marvel characters linked to these alien races.

The Kree is a very noble race. They are way older than man kind and have twice the strength and endurance than the average human. Originally there skin was blue and the ancient once still remain blue but within time a new generation, a lesser evil and noble generation came forth from the original Kree who have pink skin. The ancient blue Kree however do not consider these pink offsprings true Kree.

Sunday 3 July 2016

The original Guardians of the Galaxy

We all know Starlord and his crew from the MCU adaption of guardians of the galaxy. A lot of people (including myself) had some serious doubts about how this would turn out. It's a very different storyline than the other superhero movies and the whole thing leans more in the sci-fi genre than the superhero genre.
Disney did their magic and as usual they nailed it! I enjoyed the movie a lot and so did most people according to it's 8.1 rating on IMDb.

One of the things I did remember from the time before the movie came out was that I tried to do some research on the storyline but found a complete different story with all different characters. I found out there were other guardians of the galaxy and Starlord's crew is only one of the most resent ones.
In this post i'll be talking about the original guardians.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

The Defenders

The Defenders! A team up we're all looking forward to. After the great succes of Daredevil and Jessica Jones, Netflix is planning to work towards a superhero team up.

The Defenders will be a four hero team containing Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and the Iron Fist. I don't know if this was the plan since day one but it kind of makes some sense.
In the comicbooks the defenders are not the loud and public kind of team like the Avengers or the X-men. But they're an underground group of heroes who help each other out from time to time. No official meeting place, no rulebook or guideline for the team members. And in a lot of stories several members even dislike each other.

Sunday 26 June 2016

A variety of Hulks

If you thought there was only one Hulk you're wrong. Oké, there is only one true hulk as we know him from the movies. There is only one original Hulk, but a few were able to get hulk like powers. Today we'll tell you all about them.

First let me start off with the original Hulk. We all know the basics don't we? Genius professor who is a little bit too curious. Experiments with Gamma radiation for military research and ends up turning into a giant, green rage monster. Every time Bruce gets angry or when his hart rate goes up he changes again. What many don't know is that in some comics the Hulk turns grey from time to time. Grey hulk is a version of the Hulk where Bruce Banner is able to control his transformation. In this version the Hulk is able to think like a genius making him smarter but less dangerous.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Spidey's gear

Everybody knows Spiderman. The web slinging hero is one of the most beloved marvel characters and has a great deal of movie and comic history behind him.

Throughout the universes there were many versions of Spiderman but today i'd like to talk about the version where he uses artificial webbing.
In the last two movies (the amazing spiderman and the amazing spiderman two) they used this version but since the series of movies was brought to an end (when Disney bought the rights of spiderman) we never really got to see the potential of his gear.

Now with the introduction of a new spiderman in the Civil War we learn that this spiderman also invents a web-shooter. Also at the end of the movie spiderman gets an upgraded web-shooter from Tony Stark. This one has the Spider-Signal, a device used in the early issues of the comics.

Sunday 19 June 2016

X-men Apocalypse review

I'm writing this post because Apocalypse is a hot subject right now. I'd like to share the differences between the movie and the comics and I would also like to give my personal opinion about certain parts of the movie. 

If you were wondering, I enjoyed the movie a lot. I love how they brought Jean Grey and Cyclops in the picture. Also Nightcrawler was brought very good and the whole weapon X drama building up, nice job FOX looks like they really start to realize what the fans like to see. 

A few things did bother me. First of all I think they went of way to fast with the whole Phoenix power scene. Jean Grey and her inner phoenix is a major part of the comic books and I think they went over it too fast. In the comic's you'll read that Jean has no control what so ever when she released the phoenix. It would be very dangerous to unleash such an amount of power surrounded by X-Men and Xavier of the comics would never allow it.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Weapon X

Weapon X! Is a big subject to talk about. For those who don't know, Weapon X is the name of an evil government organisation with as main purpose turning mutants into weapons. Throughout the years there are three well known versions of the organisation. This is what we'll be writing about today.

The first appearance of Weapon X is in the early nineteens. The weapon X facility was created by the Canadian government and it's best known victim is of course Wolverine! The leader of this mad experiment was John Sublime also the leader of an even bigger organisation called Weapon plus, which was a supersoldier program that started in the forties created to hunt down Mutants. Weapon X was the first branch of the organisation experimenting on Mutants.

They had the tools to erase or even alter the memories of their 'patients' making them into the perfect killers. After the successful first subject they made a team. You guessed it! Team X was born containing Wolverine, Sabertooth, Maverick, Silver Fox, Mastodon and Kestrel. The team didn't last very long since Native (An other mutant with a healing factor and heightened senses) made Wolverine see the truth and helped him escape. So in a raging storm Wolverine killed almost every person in the building and left Weapon X dead behind.

Weapon X DeadPool Wolverine

Sunday 12 June 2016

Same heroes, different universes

If you only know Marvel because of the movies and you'd like to pick up the comic books. This might be a interesting post for you. It might also clear the air for some people who've not been reading comicbooks for that long.

When Marvel started out it was just a guy drawing comics. I can imagine he never dreamt it would ever become this big. At first he created characters and story's. It soon became a succes so there came more characters and more stories. But after years and years of writing at some point you just can't keep on inventing characters. Also at some other point the stories of the really popular characters came at an end so they had to find a solution. This is when they decided to create different universes.

In this post we'll be using Spiderman as an example. Once the first storyline of Spiderman and a great deal of other heroes ended they started over with a new universe. They would take the whole thing back to zero and start over. The character names would stay the same, we'd still be reading about Peter Parker and he would probably still have his spider powers but the main story would change completely. Maybe this time he would not have a girlfriend, or the villains would be way stronger. There are even universes where our heroes are villains!

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Thor Ragnarok

The title of the next solo film about the god of thunder will be 'Thor Ragnarok'. It seemed fitting to give a little info about that title. Ragnarok is a name given to the end of all things in old nordic religion. The character Thor and his brother and father are all based on this religion. 

Marvel has used the name 'Ragnarok' before. In the civil war comics he makes his entrance. Iron Man works together with Hank Pym and Mr Fantastic trying to make a clone of Thor. The real Thor is missing at that moment but Stark had a hair of Thor which he used to clone the Asgardian DNA. The whole thing (of course) goes south. Ragnarok goes evil and kills Goliath. Mr Fantastic deactivated the clone and they stored him away. 
At the time none of the heroes knew that Pym wasn't really Pym. But a skrull alien who took doctor Pym's form while the real Pym was held captivated. The imposter messed with the Ragnarok software and the clone rises again. 

Sunday 5 June 2016

T'Challa, The black panther

The black panther is a hot subject these days. We all got a first look at him in the civil war movie and he was absolutely bad ass. In this post we'll be putting him under the looking glass so you'll know a little something extra about this character.

T'Challa becomes king of the fictional Wakanda when his father is killed. Way back, a meteor made of the sound absorbing metal 'Vibranium' fell on Wakanda. Knowing this was a very rare and powerful metal T'Chakka (father of T'Challa) decides to close the borders of his lands and hide the metal from outsiders. The Panther clan does a great job hiding the stuff but a scientist named Ulysses Klaw is able to get his hands on the stuff. Forging a weapon out of it he's able to kill the ruler of Wakanda. This unlike in the last Captain America (Civil War) where his fathers assassination was arranged by Helmut Zemo.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Civil War Comic vs Movie

Captain America: Civil War has been out in theaters for a while now. Most of you have enjoyed the movie, but I'd like to pinpoint some differences compared to the comic version. For those who haven't seen the movie yet, stop reading because this post might contain some major spoilers for you! 

The Marvel comics have had different versions of the civil war throughout the years. I'll be writing about the version written by Mark Miller, which is a recent one and the last one i've read. 

Sunday 29 May 2016

Stephen Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme

Doctor Strange! The next big Marvel movie is set to be on the big screen in November 2016. You've probably all seen the trailer (if you haven't, you can watch it down below!). With this post we hope to shine a light on the basic storyline of the Sorcerer Supreme. We don't really know what MCU will do with the story but it's always fun to know the basics about a character who's getting his first movie.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

No original Ant-man for Disney

I think we can all agree Ant-man was yet another Disney success. The story was on point and it was an all around good movie, enjoyable for both general people and marvel fanboys. Before it played, I was really curious about why they choose Scott Lang to star as the Ant-man.

When you read the comics you'll notice that most of the time the Ant-man suit is worn by Henry Pym. Henry invented the suit and the famous pym particle. He's also one of the founding members of the avengers and the original inventor of Ultron! After some research the choice to pick Scott Lang as our movie hero became clear to me. Henry isn't the most stable guy you see, in the comics he has several mental breakdowns. Combine those with his bad temper and you get a guy who becomes both verbal and physical aggressive towards his wife (the wasp). The Marvel comic writers didn't mind putting it on paper but this is something Disney won't have since... well they are Disney!